When considering the best breast aug, the size of the breast implants you choose is one of the decisions you may think about most. How to choose breast implant size? It can be tricky, but there are some pearls to consider. A general guide is that a 250cc breast implant matches to about one cup size in an average woman. In other words, a 250cc breast implant will augment an existing A-cup breast into a B-cup breast. Consequently, A 350cc implant will transform an A-cup breast into a C-cup breast, and so on. However, the current standard of care in most situations is to place implants under the muscle. This can make the apparent size of implants approximately 50cc less than their actual size.
Most patient patients wish to end with C or D Cup. It is important to remember that not every breast can accommodate every implant. The best size range for your body and frame depends on the base width of your breast, your skin pinch thickness at the top and bottom of your breast, your tissue elasticity, and other factors that may be unique to you. Before picking a particular size, discuss your ideal look with Dr. Ahmadi. Look at his before and after pictures matching your frame.
Try on various implants inside your bra, put on a tight shirt, stand in front of a tall mirror, and take a look at different angles. Then narrow your choice. Most people usually get stuck between two different sizes of breast implants, and the rule of thumb is to go with the slightly larger implant. Listen to your surgeon’s advice about the size of implants your body will safely accommodate.
When considering breast augmentation, I advise all women to see a board-certified plastic surgeon with verifiable credentials and many before and after photos. Ask questions, read about the procedure in advance, have realistic expectations, and choose long-term quality over seductive advertising or cheap prices.