Hair Transplant
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Houston and Sugar Land, TX

Thinning hair is a cosmetic condition that affects everyone. There are so many men and women who struggle with hair loss in one form or another, and unfortunately, most “hair treatments” available in the mass market are only temporary cover-ups that may not always work.
When you come to Avante Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX for Hair Restoration, you can rest assured that you’re in the skillful hands of Dr. Ahmadi, a 20+ year board-certified plastic surgeon who cares about your safety and satisfaction. To learn more about this procedure and if it’s right for you, keep reading our comprehensive guide to the procedure.
If you are interested in hair restoration surgery or any of the advanced techniques mentioned above, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahmadi at Avante Plastic Surgery in Houston or Sugar Land. Contact us at (281) 265-2639 or fill out a form to learn more about how we can help you regain your confidence and achieve natural-looking, permanent hair restoration.
About FUE Hair Restoration
Follicular Unit Extraction, more commonly referred to as FUE is one of two modern hair transplant techniques. FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration option that demands skill and precision to achieve the best results. The FUE technique involves harvesting healthy hair follicles from the scalp and grafting them directly onto the bald and thinning areas of your head.

Prior to FUE, another procedure, FUT, was used. A strip of tissue was taken from a donor area and then used for the transplantation of individual hair follicles. Although the transplanting principle sounds similar to the strip technique, the FUE technique achieves a more natural look without leaving any visible scars. (1)
FUE works by extracting naturally occurring groups of one to three hairs (called follicular units) and transplanting these to a target area of the scalp. Unlike strip surgery, FUE hair transplantation does not require large areas of the scalp to be harvested. There is also no linear incision on the back of the head, nor does it leave a linear scar.
Benefits of Hair Restoration
Benefits of Hair Restoration
Some of the biggest benefits our Houston Hair Restoration patients have seen from their treatment include:
- No linear scarring or stitches, allowing you to wear your hair short
- Achieves a more natural look
- Only the healthy and strong follicles are transplanted
- Less pain and potentially no missed days of work
- Initial healing takes only two to four days
- Sports activities can be resumed after one week
- The cost of a hair transplant is even less than previous processes
Ideal Candidate
The best candidates for Hair Restoration in Houston are any man or woman who:
- Is interested in the therapy as a proactive therapeutic option for patients experiencing hair loss
- Maintains realistic and optimistic goals regarding the treatment
- Requires stimulation of hair growth for hair loss conditions
- Suffers from androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness – hair loss at the top of the scalp and a receding hairline particularly along the temples)
- Understands the possibility of their body rejecting the treatment
Candidates who opt for hair transplantation treatments should have a stable rate of hair loss. If you are a younger patient (under 25), we may recommend medication rather than surgery as your hair loss may not yet have stabilized. (2)
Why Choose Dr. Ahmadi?
We have years of experience in hair transplants. We take every step to give you the most natural results in the most comfortable environment. We pay special attention to the frontal hairline by using single hair follicles in the front paying particular attention to the angle, density, and pattern of the transplanted follicles. We also provide IV sedation at no additional charge to avoid “injection pain” during the infiltration of the local anesthetic. Most of our patients have very little recollection of the procedure.
Personal Consultation
The first step in getting Hair Restoration in Houston is to contact Avante Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation with Dr. Ahmadi. You will be able to discuss your goals for the treatment and have any questions you may have answered. Dr. Ahmadi will examine your scalp to create the best treatment plan for you, as well as ask you questions about your medical history. If you agree with the treatment plan, you can schedule your treatment date with our Patient Coordinator, who will also provide you with some directions to follow before you come back.
Hair Transplant Procedure

We will first work to remove groups of between one and three hairs. These groups of hairs are typically extracted from the sides of the head or back of the neck, using a specialized extraction instrument less than 1mm in diameter. These follicles are then transferred to the recipient area of the scalp and implanted using a powerful stereo microscope. We are experts at blending the hair in and inserting the grafts at an angle and density that matches the original hair, so it will resemble a natural and realistic hair pattern.
An FUE hair transplant is typically done in one day. It tends to be more time-consuming than strip surgery but does not leave the obvious and typical scars that strip surgery does. The length of time for an FUE procedure can vary, but it usually depends on how many grafts are needed. A smaller procedure, where only around 200 grafts are needed, can be completed in a couple of hours. However, a larger procedure of around 2,500 to 3,000 grafts will require a longer session that may take the entire day.
What Are The Risks Associated With Hair Restoration?
Dr. Ahmadi places your health and safety above the rest and while he has performed Hair Restoration with FUE successfully for hundreds of patients, we do like to inform our patients of the potential risks and side effects involved with the treatment:
- Bleeding
- Drainage or crusting at the surgery site
- Pain
- Follicle swelling (folliculitis)
- Numbness or tingling
- Possible infection
- Swelling
- Transplanted hair doesn’t look like its surrounding hair
While most of these symptoms are temporary and will heal on their own, if you experience any long-lasting or concerning reactions, please contact our office immediately.
Can I Combine Hair Restoration With Other Procedures?
Sure thing! Now that you’ll be looking more youthful with a full head of hair, you may want to consider other rejuvenation procedures. Some popular surgical procedures include a Facelift or Necklift, but our Houston patients will often choose non-surgical treatments like Botox or Dermal Fillers. If you have an aesthetic goal in mind, please discuss this with Dr. Ahmadi during your consultation and he will help you decide what options are best for you.
Recovery After FUE
Since FUE does not remove strips of skin and only collects hair follicles from the donor area, you are free to continue about your day and even go right back to work. There is hardly any post-surgical pain or discomfort – with the average recovery time being less than seven days.
Most patients will see any discomfort, swelling, bleeding, and scabbing improve, leaving you with a “crew cut” look. After about two to three weeks, you can expect your transplanted hair to fall out. While this may seem concerning, it’s completely normal and is nothing to worry about, as it’s part of the natural phase of hair growth. The hair follicles will remain healthy and continue with their growth phase within a few weeks.
After about two to three months, your transplanted hair follicles will remain in their normal resting phase. You may still look the same as before surgery but do not get discouraged as this is typical. After about four months, you will finally be able to see your new hair growth from the transported follicles, although it may appear delicate and thin, which does not reflect what you should expect for your final results. Please keep in mind that some patients may see new hair growth earlier than others, so you should never compare your results to another patient’s.
About nine months post-treatment, you will be able to see much longer and thicker hair, and finally be able to begin styling it. Once you have undergone FUE, the results are permanent. While the initial transplanted hair will shed a few weeks after treatment, it will grow back strong and healthy.
Cost of a Hair Transplant in Houston
The cost of Hair Restoration in Houston will depend on a multitude of factors, including the degree of change you will need and how many sessions you will require to meet your goals. After meeting with Dr. Ahmadi and having your treatment plan created, our Patient Coordinator will be able to use that information to provide you with a complete breakdown of the cost.
If you are bothered by thinning hair or worse, sections of no hair, a Hair Transplant in Houston could change your life. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahmadi to find out if you are a qualified candidate, please call Avante Plastic Surgery at (281) 265-2639 or use our website to make a request and a friendly member of our team will be happy to set up your first appointment!
Is hair restoration painful?
Most patients will not find the treatment to be painful, but there will most likely be some tenderness on your scalp as you heal that could cause some discomfort. Dr. Ahmadi will provide you with instructions on how to properly alleviate any pain you may experience.
How many appointments will I need?
Every patient will have a different number of sessions needed based entirely on the surface area being treated. While some patients will only require one treatment session to see results, most patients can expect about two or three spaced several months apart. Once your treatment is complete, Dr. Ahmadi will most likely have you return for at least one follow-up appointment to make sure your transplanted follicles have successfully integrated into your scalp and that you are happy with your results.
How long until I see results?
On average, you can expect to see your results between six and nine months after your procedure, but it’s not uncommon to take up to 12 months for some patients to see results. It is important to be aware that your transplanted hair will fall out after two to three weeks, but your new permanent hair will begin to grow in its place.
- Sharma R, Ranjan A. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant: Curves Ahead. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery. 2019;18(4):509-517. doi:
- Garg A, Garg S. Overview of Follicular Extraction. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2021;54(04):456-462. doi: